July 31, 2021
I received the bad news this evening that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas denied my emergency petition for a writ of injunction (Case 21A2) to block enforcement of the Federal Transportation Mask Mandate. It was a long shot to request Supreme Court intervention this early in a case, but of course it’s still disappointing Justice Thomas did not take a more in-depth look at the illegal and unconstitutional mask requirement.
The battle now returns to the U.S. District Court in Orlando, where sadly it will likely be a couple months before my lawsuit is decided on the merits. I remain optimistic I will win the case eventually, but it’s likely to take so much time that the government could repeal the mask mandate before the district judge issues a decision. For now, the federal government has prevailed in muzzling all travelers and banning tens of millions of Americans including myself who can’t tolerate having their face covered from using any form of public transportation.